
Political Science & International Relations

A deep dive into understanding political narratives and policy.

Develop political literacy with videos that reinforce course fundamentals, introduce new perspectives, and bring theory to life with in-practice examples. From policy debates to shifting international relationships, use this collection to understand the nuances and legacies behind current headlines while becoming fluent in political narratives.

Advantages of using Political Science & International Relations

  • Watch short, clear explanations by expert practitioners to appreciate the theoretical foundations of political events such as U.S. presidential elections and Brexit
  • Spur critical thinking about political concepts including globalization, political polarization, limits of free speech, bureaucratic models, and liberalism
  • Test your knowledge and comprehension on select videos with Assessment Questions

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Public Healthcare and Federalism

Public Healthcare and Federalism

Alan Greenblatt Discusses the Fractured Healthcare System of the United States


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